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Student Profile: Benaiah Woodrow '22

Benaiah Woodrow


Class Year


Where do you call home?
Nampula, Mozambique




Community Development


Why did you choose Covenant?
Three of my siblings had already come to Covenant, and I was actually not interested in following in their footsteps. I applied anyway not expecting to come. It turned out that Covenant kept more in contact with me and helped me more financially than all the other colleges, so I came here. Now, I’m loving Covenant and want everyone else to recognize that they should come to this incredible institution.


What aspect of Covenant do you like the best?
The community of students and professors. Because it is a relatively small campus, you can easily become friends with a wide range of people from different demographics. Also, the professors not only remember who you are but are glad to have lunch with you and fellowship with students.


Which professor(s) has most impacted your thinking, and how?
It is hard to say that any individual professor has impacted me more than another because they have all been effective in different ways. But if I were to choose, I would say that the community development professors have played a significant role in shaping my views on poverty and how best to help without hurting.


What do you most enjoy about your major?
I really appreciate how the professors take a subject like economics and do not teach it as a self-centered market of costs vs. benefits ratios. Instead, they recognize that we can use economics to promote the welfare and glory of others so as to further promote the kingdom of God and His glory.


What do you hope to pursue after graduation?
I hope to go into educational ministry, potentially going back home to start a Christian high school that can promote both economic and spiritual growth.


How is Covenant preparing you for success in your calling?
Covenant is very Christ-centered in its approach to education with core classes and majors that focus on helping you be a Christ-like example wherever you work or live. Not only this, but studying community development and economics, I have a greater (I still have much to learn!) understanding of how to work in developing economies as well as how to best utilize the resources available.


How is Covenant equipping you for active membership in the church?
Covenant encourages students to participate with and join local churches. While they cannot make you active in your church, Covenant coordinates activities such as community service, hall leadership roles, and certain campus work-study jobs that help students get accustomed to service that can be done in the church as well.


In what ways does Covenant foster spiritual growth?
There are many ways that Covenant fosters spiritual growth. A few that come readily to mind are chapels three times a week where the community comes together in worship of God; hall prayer and praises created for halls to grow together spiritually; Bible studies instigated by departments; and classes with professors that are filled with the love of God. However, spiritual growth requires you to desire it and seek it out.


How have you experienced discipleship at Covenant?
I have had the privilege to work in such positions as Student Ministry Coordinator and Multicultural Leader where you receive discipleship from your supervisor and fellow leaders and in turn are able to disciple others throughout the college. This discipleship is a working together to draw our relationships closer to God and one another.


How does residence life add to/support your academic, professional, and/or spiritual development?
Living at Covenant makes community easier as you are immediately connected with a group of people in your hall and also have close access to others on campus. I’ve enjoyed being able to ask someone to help me with a problem in economics, knowing that we can meet up in the Caudle Room or Third Lobby within a minute, and having spontaneous debates about the extent of God’s sovereignty at Bread and Butter Social with our sister hall.


Name one or two people in the Covenant community that have most impacted you and explain how they’ve shaped you.
Maddie Taylor: I came to Covenant with a lot of head knowledge of the Bible and theology. But in my conversations with Maddie and through getting to know her better, I saw someone that took the love of Christ and practiced it consistently. She has convicted me of my failings in loving my brother and the poor as I ought to love.


How have your relationships at Covenant shaped your expectations for the other communities God will call you to in life?
I have been able to have friendships with all sorts of people who grew up in many different environments. These friendships have helped me to understand the diversity that is in a community as well as assisted me in recognizing ways that different cultures act.


What’s your favorite way to spend free time on and/or off campus?
Get me out playing some games!!! Whether outside or inside, active or sitting down, sports or on a gameboard, games with friends are my favorite way to spend free time.


What’s your favorite Covenant College event and why?
Sk80s (80s Skate Night). You can skate, dance, listen to music, and dress up in outrageous costumes that make fun of your parents by being way weirder than the actual 80s fashion was. In all, it’s a load of fun!


Graduate School of Education

Undergraduate Departments, Majors, Minors, Certificates, Concentrations, and Programs

Academic Certificates

  • Arts Administration
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability
  • Journalism and Society
  • Medical Ethics Consultation
  • Neuroscience
  • Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


  • Art, 2-D Concentration 
  • Art, 3-D Concentration 
  • Art, Art History Concentration 
  • Art, Graphic Design Concentration 
  • Art, Photography Concentration 
  • Art minor
  • Art History minor

Biblical & Theological Studies

  • Biblical & Theological Studies 
  • Biblical & Theological Studies, Missions Concentration 
  • Biblical & Theological Studies minor
  • Biblical Languages minor
  • History of Christianity minor
  • Missions minor
  • Youth Ministry minor


  • Biology, Biomedical Concentration 
  • Biology, Environmental Concentration 
  • Biology, General 
  • Biology, Health Professions Concentration 
  • Biology minor


  • Business 
  • Business, Accounting Concentration 
  • Business, Finance Concentration 
  • Business, Marketing Concentration 
  • Sport Management 
  • Business minor
  • Sport Management minor


  • Chemistry, Biochemistry Concentration 
  • Chemistry, General 
  • Biochemistry minor
  • Chemistry minor

Community Development

  • Community Development 
  • Community Development minor

Computer Science

  • Computer Science 
  • Computer Science minor


  • Economics 
  • Economics minor


  • Education Studies 
  • Elementary Education (P-5) 
  • Secondary Education Certifications through MAT program 
  • Education minor

Engineering 3:2 Program

  • Natural Science, Pre-Engineering Studies Concentration


  • English 
  • English, Writing Concentration 
  • English minor
  • Writing minor

Health, Wellness and Coaching

  • Coaching minor

History, Politics, and International Studies

  • History 
  • History, Art History Concentration 
  • Political Science 
  • International Studies 
  • History minor
  • Political Science minor

Interdisciplinary Studies

  • Interdisciplinary Studies with Concentrations 


  • Mathematics 
  • Mathematics minor


  • Music, Church Music Concentration 
  • Music, Creative Studies Concentration 
  • Music, General Music Concentration 
  • Music, Instrumental Performance Concentration 
  • Music, Music Education (Pre-MAT) Concentration 
  • Music, Organ Performance Concentration 
  • Music, Piano Pedagogy Concentration 
  • Music, Piano Performance Concentration 
  • Music, Vocal Performance Concentration 
  • Music minor


  • Philosophy 
  • Philosophy minor


  • Physics 
  • Physics minor

Pre-Professional Programs

  • Pre-Law Studies 
  • Pre-Medical Studies 
  • Pre-Nursing Studies 
  • Pre-Physical Therapy Studies 


  • Psychology 
  • Psychology minor


  • Sociology 
  • Sociology, Family Studies & Social Work Concentration 
  • Sociology minor


  • Theatre minor

World Languages

  • French 
  • Spanish 
  • French minor
  • Spanish minor